Not perfect was Friday, when I took these first two pictures showing the enormous overgrown yews:
We've been to the nursery a number of times and have found a variety of pines, both tall and tree-like as well as smaller and bushy, that we're planning to use. (There's a very odd dwarf cedar at Family Tree that I think I have to have too. The foliage is corded, it looks like a big green mop.)
I've also been to House of Rock which has some good smallish boulders, and Van Lieus, which has very good pricing on Japanese outdoor lanters. Hopefully there's more to show soon.
Love LOVE the color of that maple!
P.S. As a Heeb, I was hoping to scoop a new (abandoned) car today. Sooooo disappointed.
Rapture smapture. It WAS a disappointment! We were looking forward to lighter traffic.
The tree really is beautiful. All that tan stone needed some dark contrast. I can't wait for more trees and shrubs.
I need to discover Van Lieus. japanese lanterns could be just the thing
Toad, Van Lieus is amazing. Planters, statuary, and fountains of all types and sizes.
I was looking forward to getting out of a deadline with the world ending.
Can't wait to see how your yard develops. These nurseries can become so addictive. I've spent a majority of my income on shrubs and flowers this spring.
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