Our new performing arts center opens this weekend. Info on the building, ballet, symphony, opera and more at www.kauffmancenter.org. Those of you interested in architecture (Stefan I'm thinking of you especially) should also google 'Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts' or check out http://kauffman.kansascity.com for more photos. Open house all day on Sunday, with free performances inside and out. Locals I hope to see you there!
45 year old gay guy, living in the flyover states with his partner and schnauzers. Loves coffee, conversation, lamps. Hates mayonnaise. Opinions on everything else vary widely.
I looks absolutely fabulous. Going to Google now. Centres such as these using innovative architecture are real gems!
Another fabulous architectural and cultural gem for Kansas City!
Art by Karena
I'm off to do it RIGHT NOW! Very exciting for you guys :-)
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