Firsts! A new series

I'm proud to present what will be a recurring post, Firsts! Where I'll recount both the alluring and the alarming in our little house project.

Starting us off is The Disconcerting Electrical Occurance. 11/1/10, 11pm: Brett flips the switch and the hall ceiling fixture shorts out with a "Zzzppt." I've felt the ceiling and inside of the fixture for warmth, I think we're okay.


Raina Cox said...

Oh dear.

If your "new" house is like our "new" house, your new series will be featuring daily posts.

David said...

And I so didn't want to become a house blog! But hey, it's a roller coaster, why not take everyone along for the ride =)

Decorina said...


Living the life in The Little City said...

Well, I'll enjoy it whatever you want to write about. The first house we purchased back in 1987 had a leak that dripped into the kitchen ceiling's light fixture. Such fun fixing all that!

Karena said...

This will be fun to read about the adventures in your new home!