Well worn

Picture ganked from FMAMB, no idea where she got it

Jenny posted this a while back, and I've never loved an old paint texture more.  I'm also feeling the blue.  I bought a little shaker drop leaf table off craigs today, and this is what I'm going to try to do to it.  I've always used bees wax as my resist, but I'm going to try a heavy application of paste wax in places to see if I can make it happen.  Cross your fingers.

Where am I planning to use it?  Well, I'm not.  Its going to be a bit of a slow start but I'm kind of back in the resale business with my friends Connie and Linda.  More to come.


Toad said...

Immediately before I read your post I saw this: http://www.thefrenchtangerine.com/2012/06/turquoise-fix.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheFrenchTangerine+%28The+French+Tangerine%29

must be something in the air