Visit my neighbor

If you haven't stopped by Mrs. Blandings' recently, go today. I love her Musings from the Dream House, and today's especially. Yes, she loves designers and rooms and all the things that go in them, but she loves her boys the most.


Karena said...

She is so talented and really does know what is important in life!

Mrs. Blandings said...

Oh my gosh, I've been running all day. Thanks so much for this. I was quite sure you would have preferred the VF rant. You're an old softie at heart.

I bet the new furnace is FABULOUS!

David said...

I enjoyed the VF rant immensely! It's just that as much as I like it when you show us good design, I like it even more when you give us a little peek at you.

David said...

Oh, and the new furnace is everything we'd hoped for, namely functional!