And New York makes six

I'm still holding out for a California wedding, but it's nice to have another option. To the New York legislature, thank you, honestly I didn't think you had it in you.

And to Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, The National Organization for Marriage, The Catholic League, and your supporters I will say this: Please stop. You are on the wrong side of history, and everyone sees it but you. Your fearmongering falls on increasingly deaf ears, and one day gay men and women will marry everywhere. Our families, though vastly different from yours, will be protected as yours are now. And you cannot stop it. Civilization will not crumble, and the institution of marriage will not be damaged as you insist it will, but strengthened through inclusion.

This isn't about you. It is, ultimately and singularly, about love.


Russ Manley said...

Well said, David. If only they would listen.

Craig said...

Good for NY but isn't it about time this was done on a federal level rather than just a state level? Too much to ask for?

A.J.Barnes said...

Agreed...Well said...

David said...

Absolutely Craig, it should be happening on a federal level, and there are a couple of cases moving through the courts challenging the federal Defense of Marriage act.

That said, the more states to open marriage to all couples, the easier the federal fight becomes.

Raina Cox said...

An autumn wedding in the Hudson River Valley would be sublime.

And I'm still volunteering The Pea for flower girl duties. ;)

ChrisToronto said...

Yay! Love the Empire State light show.