Congratulations Michelle Bachmann

on your Iowa Straw Poll win! I'm pulling for you, I really am. And not only because your husband Ladybird is going to be skewered by SNL at every opportunity. Your inability to be photographed NOT looking bat-shit crazy will be the best thing about the upcoming Presidential campaign. Run you incomprehensible religious wingnut, run!


Craig said...

I'll enjoy the entertainment just as long as she doesn't win. I'm not sure I could stand that!

columnist said...

Heaven! A bigger weiner than she's eva had, yeah?!

David said...

Craig, if she wins I'll be contacting you about job opportunities in Scotland. I'm quite good in the kitchen, dog-sitting, lawn care...

Columnist, biggest, or perhaps only?

ArchitectDesign™ said...

I couldn't believe she won (albeit by a narrow margin) but the good news is of course that no way in h*ll would she ever win the presidential race! So I hope she wins the R candidacy and is put back into her rightful place of silence by being beaten so badly! The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me.

MFAMB said...

we are discussing moving to europe.
no, seriously.

Decorina said...

We are considering Canada. And Mexico.

And do you think she is crazier than Rick Perry? Neither do I.

We are so doomed.