So with space to fill I got going on the chest of drawers above. It's a heavy old maple chest I picked up at an estate sale for five bucks. I've moved it twice but never got excited enough to do anything to it. I love how old maple sands down easily, so with that done I mixed up a pale green latex for the base coat. Painting the case and drawer fronts went quickly, so I went ahead and painted the drawer interiors as well. Sometimes old drawers kind of creep me out enough to not want to put anything in them, and some fresh paint solves that.
I've been doing a lot of lighter colors lately, tans and greens and grays, so for a change I went with General Finishes milkpaint in Federal Blue for the topcoat. A little sanding to rough it up seemed to make the color even more cobalty, so when it was all done I glazed it with some brown and it toned down nicely. Clearcoat on top, some antiqued iron knobs, and it's good to go.
The old plate pitchers came from a five dollar box lot at the auction. They're all pretty beat up but they polished up alright and I like the look. The white Haeger panther had been sitting around the workshop so I took him over as well.
Unloading this afternoon another dealer saw the chest and said "we had a customer in the other day who was looking for a blue chest." I hope they stop back in soon.
Beautiful work, David!
lovely shade of blue.
and i think you would make caleb blush!! ;)
Great job David, and so glad you are selling!
Yessiree, that is an amazing transformation. Even though I only saw the "after." You know how we love the befores and afters. Maybe next time.
I'm in search of the GF milkpaint today - no luck so far.
I think my booth will close on March 1st. Nothing really selling for me - and I desperately could use more furniture. I have off loaded a good bit of the "stuff" that I've been dragging around for years, though. Surprised that the barkcloth doesn't sell.
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