
I'm dangerously close to putting myself on another news blackout, and this woman is one of the reasons why. Meet Orly Taitz, self-appointed Queen of the Birthers. She's a lawyer somewhere, and refers to herself on her website as Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. (Link? Not a chance in hell.)

Now you know I have nothing against the practice of law, indeed it's what keeps the lights on and the pantry full at Chez Malaise. But even the resident attorney here can't stand the sort of self-important, blowhard lawyer that appends Esquire to the end of their name, and I concur. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

It's become too much, the continuing coverage of these loons who, in the face of all proof to the contrary, continue to scream that the president isn't a citizen and therefore ineligible for office. Ms. Taitz's website proudly features a large scale photo of the (disproved) Kenyan birth certificate for your perusal. Even though everyone now knows it's a fake.

Her site also proudly proclaims in bold, blue type that "Dr. Taitz is approved to handle cases before the United States Supreme Court in Washington D.C." Impressive! What she doesn't say though, is that pretty much any lawyer can be "approved to handle cases" before the Supreme Court. Hell, the Kansas Bar Association sponsors a trip each year for it's members to travel to DC, be introduced by a member of the Supreme Court Bar, pay their fee, and bam, they're admitted to the bar as well.

Forgeries and half-truths, she represents everything that is wrong with America.

I simply can't wrap my head around this pathological need to belong to something, even if that something is a group that does nothing other than keep screaming questions that have long been answered.

I'm full. I've had enough of birth certificates health care reform. I'm over the republicans AND the democrats. I've seen all the tearful press conference apologies I need to see, and I've learned more about Islam than I ever cared to.

I know what everyone drank at last week's "Beer Summit," yet I don't know if the President is serious about ending Don't Ask Don't Tell.

The arguing never ends. I need a break.


Raina Cox said...

I sometimes think everyone is crazy except me.

And, of course, you.

Yankee in England said...

When I saw the picture before I read the post I thought, she looks like the crazy lady from florida in the movie Milk who was trying to send gay rights back to the stone age. Then I read the post and thought Hmmm wonder if they are related.

Decorina said...

Agreed, David. The MSM doesn't want to talk about the Sarah's probable divorce, but treats us every day to more "news" from this whack job.

Living the life in The Little City said...

If more people would turn away from this non-news, perhaps the press would do the job that they are supposed to do. However, this is what feeds the cable and broadcast revenues. Very unfortunate.

Mary said...

Perfect example of why I am wearing out the "Delete" button on my keyboard

and haven't watched the news in years.

home before dark said...

I miss the grownups. I mean Walter and his generation. The birther madness shows some of the ugliest side of Americans. I think Obama is trying to keep a lid on things until he gets health reform passed and then I think we will seek the progress we voted for. (DADT, the photos at Gitmo, prosecuting the criminals in the Bush administration). And, if that doesn't happen then, we must all rise up and demand that justice be done for all. We let the t-bag, birther nuts command the airwaves because we think they are crazy. We, it sadly seems, must get crazy in the streets for justice.

Karena said...

I am so sick of the talking heads, and agree, I can barely stand to watch the news. Enough negativity going on outthere when we all need some good karma flowing around us.

Jill said...

Stupidity is rampant...

soodie :: said...

i too am still trying to understand this madness. television celebrates and elevates madness, this is true, but the news? the news is beginning to turn into ugly, cheap entertainment. yesterday i watched a marketing expert talking about obama doing a good job branding himself. branding? like a package of cereal. or a pair of nike shoes. i cannot understand why this orly taitz has gotten so much air time, she is hysterical, screeches not to be interrupted and in the end has absolutely nothing to say. she has nothing and she is nothing. (except she is also a 'dentist'.) I'm strongly beginning to think she is being financially backed by an outside organization and that this organization is paying for all her airtime. the last interview i saw on msnbc she was in tel aviv. why? stop obama so the war can continue? if she doesn't get banned from the air after her 'brownshirt' comment, then we know something is very, very wrong.

ok, now i'll stop...

Toad said...

Wouldn't it be cool if someday the news editors would collectively edit, and say No this is nonsense we are not going there.

lobean said...

Thank you for your sanity. Can I add that I especially appreciate that your viewpoint is coming out of Kansas; I have in-laws there and my only survival technique around them and their friends is to keep my gob shut at all times. I really appreciate knowing they don't own the whole state. If I need to make a run for it next time I visit can I show up on your doorstep--as sort of a refugee from political persecution?

Lisa and pups said...

Now I don't feel so alone in the world anymore! :D